Look for the hole in the fence.
There is almost always an opening between the slats.
It is where the light gets in.
It is where air circulates.
The hole in the fence is the area in which something new exists amidst something old.
The hole in the fence is the beginning of something new or the last of something old.
The hole in the fence is where opportunity exists, where riskier choices come to life.
The hole in the fence represents your next idea and the action that powers it forward.
Where is your hole in the fence? What does it allow you to empower?
You can patch up the hole. You can ignore it altogether. Or, you can opt into peeking through the fencing to ascertain what needs to change, and what may be a possible next decision.
When things feel stagnant and you are low on motivation, I invite you to explore. Look for the real or metaphorical hole in the fence and decide anew. If everything is not as it was before, if it is not begging to be perfect, or if there is a new ray of sunshine calling to you, a hole in the fence will guide you and lead you. It is from this small opening that the seeds of change are enabled.
I actively pursue the hole in the fence approach when the Universe is sending me a message, and yet I am not completely clear from today’s perspective as to what the true meaning of that message is. A mindset shift of looking for a “hole in the fence” supports me in challenging myself to experience things from a variety of vantage points. A hole in the fence is a transition in progress, and the interesting part is that awareness about this transition may not otherwise be apparent. When one thing ends, another often emerges. A hole in the fence represents a space in which to align with those changes and to empower and grow what may be new and different even within what is known and well worn.
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