The Truth About 24-Hours
Every 1440 minutes you get a new window and a refreshed view on possibility and opportunity. It may not seem like it stays with us long enough, each day blending into the next, occupying a week, a month and finally a whole year in our lives. You may look toward tomorrow as the day to get things done, yesterday as the day to duplicate. The day that I want to draw your attention to is TODAY. Your heirloom moments reside there. Your legacy is born there. The truth about 24-hours, this 24-hour period right now, is that once fueled and activated with choices it becomes one of the most impactful and powerful tools you have to create the life you desire.
The truth about 24-hours is that you own yours. We each do.
The truth about 24-hours is that the solutions you seek reside here.
The truth about 24-hours is that you get to control your decisions and your energy.
The truth about 24-hours is it can change your life!
Mark the passage of today with the following game-changing ideas:
Get on your own list. Whether a grocery list, a to-do list, or a bucket list, make sure that you include YOU on your schedule and into your choices. Push the button on doing things that give back to yourself and exploring ideas that make you smile. Turn toward your thoughts rather than away from them and include the personalized elements in your day that only YOU can show up for. Lead from your own list. Don’t give up the things that replenish you, instead lean into those things. You are the CEO of your life.
Be your own winning lottery ticket. Do the work NOW that will create the results you seek. Blame, judgment and negative energy get in the way of your payout. Put in what you seek out. No one can do that for you. Tomorrow’s excuses are born in today. So are tomorrow’s memories and successes. What can you do right now? Take the ½ step, plant the seed, dare yourself to conquer the unknown. This 24-hours creates the foundation for tomorrow’s story, your next chapter, your own personal growth. Make ordinary moments count by challenging yourself to elevate them.
Mark to-do done today. Think of a friend you lost contact with, a business associate you never followed up with, or a thank you that you forgot about. Today is your day to reconnect! Take the next 365 days to reach out to one person per day on LinkedIn, or via text, phone, or email in your personal or professional life. Seek your truth in those connections and reap the power of your network reunited and actionable. Calendar in get-togethers, follow up calls or meetings and mark your to-do done for today!
Allow for silence. It is in the quiet that your head and your heart co-mingle. It is in this void that you refill your bucket, recharge your soul, and hear the beat of your intuition. Build silence into your truth. Build quiet into your 24. Not just at bedtime, but as a part of your day. Unplug for an hour. Mediate. Exercise. Walk. Run. Read. Be alone with you your thoughts so that you understand them and fine-tune them.
Expect the unexpected. Plan for the unknown. Welcome it in as an old friend. Have an adventure with the daily twists and tweaks that will inevitable be a part of your existence. Stay curious in every 24-hour window. Allow for the pivots for they will reveal what is next!
Ready to keep your daily 24 a continuing success? Check out my new Personal Success Accelerator System to support you in your next steps!
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