For Impact Manage From the Middle
From a young age, I was taught that for greatest impact, I needed to start things not ad hoc, but from the beginning. I came to understand, just like many of you have, that there is an order to achieving goals, to moving ahead, to next steps. I now know holding tight to this point of view may have cost me a few wins, because I missed opportunities along the way, waiting for things to line-up perfectly, wishing for the next chapter to begin, or even devaluing what I brought to the conversation or the situation. Essentially, in previous decades, I forgot about my own value and how that played into not only my choices, but my problem solving and risk taking.
What I have come to know today is that not everything begins in a logical way, nor does it have to progress in a set agenda. Starting over does not have to take us back to our childhood days of learning how to ride a bike. We are not children and we need to give ourselves extra credit for living! Applying pre-2020 logic to situations now can often blind us from getting started in the first place. I can think of so many times throughout my lifetime that a one-size-fits-all way of thinking, in a set and logical format, although seemingly the best way to proceed, actually held me back! What I failed to consider in these instances, and what I apply always in today, is that BEFORE we can start from the beginning, we often need to manage from the middle.
Think about all the life and business knowledge you already possess. Fair to say that you are an expert in many things big and small. If you have lived more than a ¼ century…that is factual! Something quite magical happens when you start a business, a goal, a pivot from where you are rather than from scratch. Gather all of your knowledge, what has worked, and what has not. Start from your expertise and your skill sets and apply that to every situation. Even if you are beginning something anew from beginners’ eyes, you can actually manage this restart from the middle with more gusto and momentum.
This “middle” that I am referencing is your experiences big and small. It is what guides your intuition, what enables decision-making, and what gives you, and I, and each one of us, a unique perspective and one-of-a-kind spin on any given situation. Starting from the middle does not obliterate a traditional and set order to taking action on goals and decisions because once you visit any given situation as a leader and an expert in life, you can then proceed to the front of the line in logically driving that goal or idea. This is simply a subtle tweak in the process of evaluating new situations, first from where you have been and what you already know, and next from what you need to learn and to empower in order to add on to that. This simple kick-start enables a stronger vision, more accountability and clarity, and a benchmark for recognizing and measuring growth and success.
Managing from the middle, gives you a wider bandwidth in accessing next steps and the ability to pick and choose from a menu of ideas that may be already available to you and easy to access. If you have done it before, you may be able to rinse and repeat it again in a new format. The action steps you choose to take, and your ability to build a life and a business that you love is predicated on you believing that you can build that side hustle, that you can start that business, that you can ask for more money, that you can have the relationships you desire. It is a boldness and extra boost from resources that you already posses.
For more inspiration and support in recalibrating the “next” in your life, join me in The Recalibration Network. http://the recalibration network
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