


December 5, 2016
What’s Your Story?
Featuring Randi Levin CPC and Donna Gould

• Permission to authentically live and connect to the essence of your “why”

• Stepping past fear to allow your personal and professional story to unfold

• Defining your passion and owning your unique skillset to identify everything from your brand to what’s next in your life

• Use your words…how you define you defines you

• Creating legacy one story at a time

November 15, 2016
Get Calm Now!
Featuring Randi Levin CPC and Nitya Martino

• Holistic tips and strategies to keep you grounded even when you are stressed

• Using creativity to create a playground for test driving change

• Human connection in a world of tech…how to unplug to hug

• More gifts to self: sleep, nutrition, time alone, understanding your triggers

• Leading and connecting with your heart and your mind in all aspects of life

• Breathing… bonus meditation…60 minutes to a calmer you…join us


October 6, 2016
“Healing Is A Return To Love.” ~ Marianne Williamson
Featuring Randi Levin CPC and Gina Costa

• There are all different types of adversity in life. The courage to find and rediscover yourself in the wake of set-back or illness is a process in rebirth and a road toward healing.

• We discover our true strength, resourcefulness and worth when we allow ourselves to understand and love our connection to what is authentically most important to us. How can healing connect you to listening to your life?

• Healing is emotional, physical, spiritual, and mental. The energy we put into the process of healing and believing manifests in a positive or in a negative way depending on our thoughts and feelings, which result in our actions and choices.

• Adversity and setback are not failure but an opportunity for growth. How we manage change is at the heart of our own happiness. What do you want to let go of? What do you want to let in?
How can your time alone be one of the biggest gifts back to YOU? We give to others, but where do we replenish ourselves?

• Acceptance, awareness, and authenticity provide us with the ability to fearlessly discover what is next in life. So, what’s next?

September 7, 2016
From Mess to Success
Featuring Randi Levin CPC and Gayle Gruenberg

•  Our Conversation will focus on all aspects of organization and the benefits of clearing out and cleaning up your point of view and your physical space!

•  Often, clients approach us about feeling “disorganized” and wanting to get back on track in their personal and professional lives, yet this “clutter” keeps manifesting in all aspects of their lives. What are the parallels between physical organization and personal clarity and success?

•  How can the act of simplifying transform and change your mindset and your life?

•  Overcome your fear of letting go! Check the emotional baggage at the door and with it, set yourself free for redefining all aspects of your life!

•  Time and space management tips and tools for success.

August 30, 2016
Moving from AHA to Action!
Featuring Randi Levin CPC and Michael O’Brien

• Having a wow moment and clarifying what is next in your life is a big accomplishment! Now what? This discussion will celebrate your self-awareness and deep-dive into the ingredients that will make your aha moment your future success.

• Not everything goes as planned. Sometimes we just have to listen to our lives and to the moment. We will explore the successes of the other side of “failure” in a deep conversation all about mindset, taking action, building self-esteem and “testing” life!

• We spend so much time thinking. Little time actually implementing. We will explore the tools you need to get out of your head and into your heart. Identifying what is next is important, but the actual results that you long to see come from the daily process of implementing one 4 letter word. Join us for the reveal of just what it takes to refresh your life.

• Michael and I both reinvented our lives. We know it works, we understand what it takes, and we know first hand what is involved. Share in our wisdom as we discuss our personal re-do’s, and our coaching expertise in helping our clients to take the next steps in their lives. We did it. You can too! What’s next? Tune in and begin today to create the legacy you desire.

June 27, 2016
Crossing Bridges: The Power of Visualization
Featuring Randi Levin CPC and Susan Horn Greif

  • What we can envision we can manifest! Visualization is the key to identifying what’s next. If we can see it, we can achieve it. Our discussion will highlight the power of visualization in our lives and will include actionable exercises that we can do to define and utilize what we picture for ourselves.
  • Our lives speak to us. We just need to be able to hear what they are saying. Thinking and dreaming about specific objects or things can be a sign for us to listen to what our lives are telling us. Our own awareness of our thoughts determines how we interpret our visualizations. Bridges are strong metaphors for change. Crossing bridges…even more so. We will be discussing our own personal stories in regard to manifesting bridges. An inspirational and impactful look at what is next.
  • The best way to overcome a fear is to take small and calculated steps into the challenge of overcoming what scares you the most. Change is an inside job. We will discuss the concept of growth and what tools we can use in our everyday lives to measure, illustrate and chart this growth.
  • Asking is an art form. No guts, no glory! We have the power to ask for what we most want, but the Universe may be delivering something completely different. Or is it? We will explore how being vulnerable to the world around us can impact our interpretations of what is next for us.

June 13, 2016
Clear it Out! The Art of Letting Go of Stress
Featuring Randi Levin CPC and Lois Kramer-Perez CHt.

  • If you are carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders this is your chance to let it all go…
  • We will be discussing the concept of stress and being stuck with an in-depth look at why we feel this way and what we can do about it.
  • Learn all about choices and how your responses and reactions play a key role in your energy levels and in your ability to let things go.
  • We will explore the concept of “turning off your brain.” How we can control our mindset and our own happiness by tapping into our own thoughts and feelings.
  • Join us for 5 Top stress-relieving tips. This broadcast contains a special gift of a mini mediation session using simple guided imagery designed to unblock and set free your stress.

May 24, 2016
Want to Be More Grateful?
Featuring Randi Levin CPC and Russ Terry

  • What is the difference between being grateful and being thankful?
  • Why choose gratitude? What are the benefits?
  • What are you grateful for?
  • How can we express abundance and develop a practice of gratitude in our everyday?
  • Tools and tips for expressing gratitude.
  • What role does gratitude play in forward motion and energy in our lives?
  • What is the difference between acceptance and tolerance?
  • Lets talk about forgiveness…

May 6, 2016
Moms on Moms
Featuring Randi Levin CPC, Jen Marchetti, Fern Weis and Noreen Heffernan

  • Lessons learned from the “hood:” A discussion about how a Masters in Motherhood translates into the business world
  • Understanding and celebrating your value and self-worth at all stages of motherhood
  • The magic of “what is next…” defining the chapters and leaning into your own evolution

April 18, 2016
It’s Only Money $!$
Featuring Randi Levin CPC & Ivy Slater

  • A deep dive into the concept of wealth and value. Measuring success on many different levels…
  • Where does money stop you or motivate you? How does your relationship to money impact your relationship to life?
  • The impact that conquering your fears has on filling your wallet.

April 6, 2016
Staying Focused in a World of Distraction

  • Exploration of the difference between multi-tasking and multi-focusing and strategies for staying on track.
  • Challenges for working moms and moms working from home and tips to creating better habits.
  • An in-depth look at the care and nurturing of you and ways to tweak your management of time, commitment to yourself and clarity in your business.

March 3, 2016
Balance from the Inside Out
Featuring Randi Levin CPC & Emi Kirschner CHHC

  • Exploration of what balance means and just what we can learn about the art of balance from surfers!
  • Strategies & choices leading to more clarity…what do perfection and time management have in common? Strategies to gain more clarity in life.
  • A deep dive discussion on the relationship between our internal mindset and our external actions. Are we really what we eat? What does stress have to do with it?


January 27, 2016
In Love with “YOU!”; The Rules on Loving Yourself
Featuring Randi Levin CPC & Arlene Vasquez

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