Decide. Be bold. Lead.
Life doesn’t happen in a straight line. With every chapter, the possibilities unfold, and we grow into and out of ourselves over and over.
Often, we get set and comfortable in the roles that we play, in the life that we know, even if those roles and that life no longer align with who we are now. We need to make it our own. We need to customize it and recalibrate it to this moment.
The unknown is scary.
For years, without even realizing it, I was personally on a path toward self-discovery, yet I was stuck in an “either or mode.” I was hanging onto limiting beliefs that had me thinking that I needed to choose one aspect of my life over the other; and for a long time that is exactly what I did. I asked myself a lot of questions; I played out hundreds of scenarios in my head as to what the rest of my life would look like. Then I realized that I could control that outcome. I actually could decide in the current moment how to direct and redirect my life. I did not have to wait for my legacy to find me because essentially I had the power to grab hold of it myself and to make it my own today! The concept of leveraging my own legacy was born and became a compass and a mindset in my own life in transforming and recalibrating my success.
Today, I coach emerging entrepreneurs and women in transition to understand and utilize their power of choice, to redefine their legacy, and to celebrate and maximize their growth and success. Success breeds success!Becoming a transitional life strategist is my mid-life reinvention and my third chapter. I love what I do. Refreshing my life and becoming an entrepreneur was the greatest gift I could ever give to myself. It would be my honor for you to allow me to be your partner in supporting your successful pivot as well. Coaching with me is an experience you invest in. Consider me a strategic partner there to support you in decision-making, problem solving, and mastering personal and professional alignment as well as self-leadership.
Are you ready to be a legend in your own life?Let’s Recalibrate!
Click here to read ‘Interview with Founder of Randi Levin Coaching’
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