Are you getting the results that you want out of your business and your life? I am thrilled to be a co-author with 18 others in the new book Get RESULTS! No one does it alone. One of the things I find most compelling about being a life strategist is my opportunity to ask my clients and audiences questions that they don’t ask themselves. The ability to dig deep, to friend fear, and to imagine is at the heart of personal change. Interpreting and listening to the messages that echo in our lives delivers a powerful punch. This group anthology creates a platform for multiple personal success stories to be shared. Each author in this book illustrates that getting results is possible. We got results and you can too!
I wrote Chapter 6 “Signs From The Road of Life” in Get RESULTS! because our lives really have the ability to speak to us. All we need to do is to be able to listen! Most of us believe that the decisions we made in college or as young adult professionals need to stick for our entire lives. We buy into the forever fairytale and in so doing set ourselves up for disappointment when the choices we made at age 25 no longer work for us at age 50. What no one tells us is that change and evolution are supposed to happen. I reinvented myself several times in my lifetime, but the pivot that led me to coaching was unlike any other. Seeped in significant imagery, powerful questions, and a reconnection to my forgotten inner child, the signs from my life were directional and inspirational. The steps I used in my own reinvention are at the foundation of my Signature GPS Coaching System. We are each the driver of our own destiny.
Every day we have the power to create our own legacy. All we have to do is program our personal GPS.
Anyone who wants added support to embrace refreshing his or her life will benefit from reading “Signs From The Road of Life” as well as the entire book. We are all comfortable with what we know and fearful of what we do not know. This chapter is ideal for anyone who has been thinking about what’s next in their lives and wants to develop a road map for getting there. “Signs From The Road of Life” gives readers permission to change, to grasp the nuances of their lives, and to acknowledge that the journey itself is often the most important part of the ride. Setting a personal GPS gives readers the support they need to start from wherever they are and to begin today to create the life they most want.
This book is a toolbox for change!