Randi With An “I”…What’s In A Name?
My mother always told me that I was almost named Robin. Younger me longed to be named after a bird. It seemed to me decades ago, that it would be so much easier to be Robin than to live my … Continue reading →
My mother always told me that I was almost named Robin. Younger me longed to be named after a bird. It seemed to me decades ago, that it would be so much easier to be Robin than to live my … Continue reading →
P-e-r-f-e-c-t! Not really. How many times has the shiny and glittery word…PERFECT…slipped right through my fingers? Almost. Maybe tomorrow. Right? I have waited a lifetime on perfect. How many days, months or years does it take? I am not proud … Continue reading →
“This Election Day, show up to make a choice. In so doing, cast a vote for yourself! Take the energy and power of pushing that button with you from your polling site and repurpose it in your day. Make this … Continue reading →
Pixie dust. Clients will sometimes hire me thinking that the act of hiring a coach will somehow magically transport them into the life they most desire. While signing on for life coaching is an incredible step in the process of … Continue reading →
Success is wonderful. Who does not want to be successful? Understanding your success is greatly linked to understanding your heritage and the road that lead you there. Too often, we forget how hard the actual path may have been. Why … Continue reading →
I just came from a coaching session with a client and she had a tote bag with all of her “coaching supplies” in it. On the outside of the bag was a tag that says: GRATEFUL. Within the bag itself … Continue reading →
Hallmarked as the “Queen of Gemstones,” pearls have held a significant place among the gems of choice since 520 BC. Legend has it that pearls possess many powers desirable to those wearing them; wisdom, love, money, protection and luck, among … Continue reading →
“We all do it. In countless ways, we enter to win. This subtle action of “entering” is the necessary ingredient; in fact, it is the secret ingredient needed to shift our thoughts and dreams into our realities. Without the entering … Continue reading →
By now most of us will admit to having bought a ticket. Maybe we even bought many tickets. How could we not buy one? The allure is intoxicating. Winning the biggest Powerball Lottery in history and becoming a billionaire. Living … Continue reading →
Restart your journey. Record your thoughts. Close the book. Your power is inside you. Since 10th Century Japan and right through our childhood days of “Dear Diary” journaling has long been an important tool in documenting our lives. While I admit … Continue reading →