Rewriting Your Rules for Success
We are in the final 3-months of the decade. Only a short span of weeks left in 2019 in which to push past what you’ve been doing in favor of what you most want to do. Peoplehood has so many rules to live by. We have societal rules that we need to honor, we have personal values that we try to uphold, we have various business and organizational rules that we adhere to, and then we have that unique bunch of rules that define our personal selves. This individual mindset rulebook is perhaps the most powerful of all because this is the rulebook over which we actually have the most control.
Yes, we are the authors of our mindset rulebooks. Just like an actual published best seller, our individual books can be relevant at one point in time and irrelevant and outdated at another. Is it time for a new and updated version of this bible you live by and if so, what will it take to refresh the copy so that it best reflects who you are today…in “real time?” Is there a chapter of your mindset rulebook that you have been meaning to add or rewrite, but you have just not gotten to it yet? Understandable, since status quo is so comfortably enticing until this punch list of regulations that you live your life by has you not living your life, but simply going through the daily motions. So, what’s next?
Change the playbook and the plays change.
It sounds simple. You assume that you will just do things differently tomorrow. You will change something. Except, you don’t. The reason why? You need to give yourself permission to change. It’s not a thought, it’s an action. In order for change to not only take place but also become a daily habit in your life, you need to give yourself permission to break the old personal mindset rules in favor of an update and a re-write. Letting go of one way of thinking allows you to welcome in a new belief.
Do This Now:
Grab a piece of paper and a pencil and make yourself a permission slip. At the top of the page write old rules on one side and new rules on the other side. For every old mindset rule and every fear that is holding you hostage from doing things differently there needs to be a partner new rule that will have you taking an action step toward the process of change in your life. This list becomes not only your permission slip and guide; it is also a positive way to manifest and reference the changes you most want.
Here is an example:
Old Rule:
I am good at being an accountant, lawyer, teacher, or stay-at-home-mom. This is all that I know how to do.
New Rule:
I am good at dozens of things. I really enjoy X, Y & Z. Is there a way to get more X, Y & Z into my life? Can I start an X, Y & Z business?
Create a List of Steps to Take Now:
Run the Experiment:
- Research new ways to implement X, Y, & Z into your life.
- Sign up for a class, read a book, talk to and learn from people doing what you seek.
- Believe that you can.
- Try out one new thing.
- Now try another.
- What is working and what is not?
- Where can this new rule of creating new habits by taking action on small ideas fuel change?
- How can you incorporate that habit into your daily life?
The trick to breaking your personal rules is that there is no trick. It takes commitment and work. It requires deciding. Making a choice to friend the fear that is dictating your old mindset in order to embrace the experiment that frees you to re-write a new set of rules and habits. Begin. You have a 3-month jump on the New Year!
Need support? Contact me at Let’s talk about what’s next!
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