Finding The Words…
When evaluating our goals for the year ahead we often wrestle with the idea of resolutions or promises. Often, this is exactly where we become stuck, because we become overwhelmed in the process itself. During a recent coaching session, a great idea surfaced. What if we find one or two key worlds to define our intentions for ourselves for the months ahead?
By using only one or two words, we fine tune the resolution process and set the tone for our expectations by making ourselves accountable in the process. For instance, if our goal is to simplify our lives the word “simplify” may become our 2016 word of choice. Now, every time we need to find direction or evaluate where we are at, we can ask ourselves if we are already simplifying or how we may simplify something.
Finding the words that have true meaning to us connects us to our core values and provide us with a way to remain true to ourselves and what we most want to accomplish.
What are your words?
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