The Colorful Art of Turning Ourselves “Off!”
Coloring for adults has become the hottest trend for a multitude of reasons. It is more than a hobby. It speaks to us as a culture in 2016 because coloring offers us what we most need now.
As a society, we are all always plugged in and accessible to the world. Social media, emails, texts, all designed to unite us quicker and closer have left so many of us forever feeling like we cannot relax and unwind. People are looking for ways to battle stress and to reconnect to themselves. Coloring provides just that. No screens required.
When we color, we are engaging both sides of our brain. It is a mindless activity that still keeps us mindful! We can be artistic without any skills. We can be in control because we choose how we want our pictures to look, what colors we use, how we want to shade or enhance the drawing in front of us. Coloring allows us to create something beautiful, even if that particular day in our life may not be one of our best. Coloring is something we can do when we are “busy” being busy. Coloring has become a new form of meditation, allowing us the pleasure of “me time” and the much needed moment to step off the treadmill of life.
Coloring is nostalgic. It reunites us with a time when life was less complicated. It transports us to an era before mortgages and marriages. When we allow ourselves the time and space to “play” we give ourselves permission to prioritize and pamper ourselves. Coloring carves out the opportunity to be alone with our thoughts. No judgment, no fear, no overthinking. Yet, this time to decompress can create our biggest break out thoughts.
Releasing our inner child connects us most deeply to what is next in our lives. When we color we separate from our anxiety and center our minds on the repetitious strokes of the markers or pencils, on the building of colors, on the completion of a task.
When we turn off the tech, we turn on our minds and our hearts.
We become lost in our thoughts and present in our intentions.
Coloring can be solo or social. Adults are gravitating toward coloring circles, coloring parties and toward workshops. Coloring is multi-generational and gender neutral. At any given point in the past year, adult coloring books represented between 30-40% of the top 20 best sellers. The coloring trend has even produced a shortage of colored pencils!
Recoloring Life Workshops is a series that I wrote to combine this wonderful sought after trend of coloring with life coaching based on renewal, time management and energy management. The workshops include inspirational and introspective group coaching, vision boarding and coloring circles! Recoloring Life Workshops were recently featured in The Wall Street Journal.
To find out more about upcoming workshop dates, please check my website for the latest details.
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