My Pool Professional’s Ultimate Secret Revealed
Troubleshooting some recent pool opening snags, this summer’s representative from my pool service company rang our bell to explain a few things. I was mesmerized, because he so had it right. This gentleman was so proud of what he does for a living, so intent on giving quality service, so spot-on in his delivery and knowledge, that I felt the instant urge to share his spirit with the world. In our 5-minute interchange of information I knew this guy simply had it right. Here is why.
It does not matter what the outside world thinks of you. If you are the CEO of a billion dollar company, a stay-at-home-mom, a doctor, a trash collector, or a pool professional, what matters is your perception of what you do. Taking ownership of the tasks at hand, of the job you hold, as if it is important makes it…important! When you are a believer, everyone else believes as well. What a stand out when most service professionals simply do you a favor by showing up.
My pool professional could very easily have just dropped off his invoice, maybe mentioned a few things and walked away. Instead, his language and delivery were full of energy and confidence. He was proud of his expertise, happy to be of service, intent on communicating. It was important for him to explain things in detail. Actually, the same is true of the gentleman who comes on contract from my extermination company. He kills bugs for a living. If you did not know, you would think he was on the board of his own million-dollar enterprise. In his mind, and by default in mine, he simply is.
These gentlemen rock their jobs. They are proud of what they do. They are well-trained, and incredible representatives of the companies that hired them. They each make me want to do business with them and by extension, their companies. These recent encounters made me stop and take notice and to give some added thought to just why this is a stand out situation. In a world where contact points are increasingly limited, both of these men managed to convey not only their expertise, but also their genuine pride and work ethic.
Here are 3 messages from my pool professional (and my exterminator) no matter what your job or your relationship to it is:
- Your energy enters the room before you do. If you are confident and capable, you are also going to make everyone you encounter feel that they are in good hands and getting great service. Believing in you is an inside job with outside fringe benefits!
- If you are comfortable in your own shoes it shows! When we are focused on who we are we spend less time wishing we were something or someone else. Set the goal of what you most want, and then enjoy the process and the growth that expands and unfolds for you when you allow yourself to be who you are in that moment.
- There is no opinion of you that is more important than your own. If you take yourself seriously in any role, everyone else will take you seriously as well. If you are the pool guy, be the very best pool guy you can be. If you are a stay-at-home mom, be the queen of stay-at-home moms, and if you are a CEO, be an involved, and empathetic, and people-oriented CEO. Enthusiasm is contagious!
My pool professional’s ultimate secret is to practice gratitude. When you are grateful and in sync with who you are and what you have, this becomes an antidote for personal growth and happiness. You naturally expand.
If you like what you are doing, then bravo! If you don’t like what you are doing then why are you doing it?
If you are investing your time, then are you also investing your heart?
You may not always love every role you play, yet it is so very important to be in love with how you show up in all aspects of your life. Professional impacts personal and personal mirrors professional.
My pool professional’s ultimate secret is his relationship to himself. Balance is seeped in our perspectives on relationships; first to ourselves and then to the world around us. Acceptance is a big, big piece of this.
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