Thank you for your interest. Below please find the links to your five audio files and your seven handouts.
Reinvention Summit Week 1
Reinvention Summit Week 2
Reinvention Summit Week 3
Reinvention Summit Week 4
Reinvention Summit Week 5
To save these audio files to your desktop/laptop for playback while offline or on other devices, please follow these instructions:
Click on link and begin playback and then click on down arrow to download
Reinvention Summit Week 1 Audio
Reinvention Summit Week 2 Audio
Reinvention Summit Week 3 Audio
Reinvention Summit Week 4 Audio
Reinvention Summit Week 5 Audio
You will also need these handouts:
Click here to download a .zip file containing all 7 documents, or open each document individually and print or save to your computer.
Pre Audio Handout: 100 Ways to Change Your Life: Complete Before Audio #1
Audio #2 Handout: GPS Growth Planner: Complete Before Audio #2
Audio #2 Handout: What’s In Your Backpack? Complete During Audio #2
Audio #3 Handout: Values Worksheet: Complete Before Audio #3
Audio #3 Handout: What I Know & What I Don’t: Complete Before Audio #3
Audio #4 Handout: The Manifestation Project: What Is Your Vision? Complete Before Audio #4
Audio #5 Handout: Future Me: Complete Before Audio #5
* Please note that you will hear the interactions of not only Randi leading the workshops, but of the participants that were part of the original video program. We are each teachers and students in life and there is so much you can learn from their participation and questions. The Facebook page and one-on-one sessions were part of the original $297 video program and are not part of the audio collection.
* Disclaimer: The thoughts, opinions, recommendations, and insights contained in this workshop are resource material only and are not for personal or business gain, advertisement or promotion. Results vary depending on you and your own level of participation, and are not at any time implied or guaranteed. You are taking this workshop on your own accord and as such content is for educational purposes only. By attending this summit you are essentially signing a contract that says that you understand that WE (Randi Levin Coaching) do not make any guarantees as to results or outcomes. The opinions and experiences of Randi Levin Coaching are theirs and theirs alone. All information contained within the contents of this summit does not take the place of a licensed therapist or health care-provider. Participation in this program is at your sole risk. Use of this program does not constitute a coach-client relationship with Randi Levin Coaching and content is for general informational purposes.
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