Between The Lines
Coloring, already super chic in Europe and Australia has become the hot, “must do” hobby in the United States! Coloring transports us away from our high tech lives and deposits us in our past, a time when life was a bit more simple. These books have represented up to 1/4 of the top 20 best sellers over the past year. They provide us with exquisite illustrations drawn on beautiful paper, just begging for us to add our inspiration and creativity through color. Faced with a black and white drawing and armed with colored pencils, gel pens, and markers, the possibilities to add our personal touches are limitless.
Think about it…the last time that you colored you probably did not have a car payment or a mortgage, or even children of your own. Last time you colored you were probably the child!
For adults, coloring represents the “new book club.” It is an individual activity or a social party. It is detoxing and mindful, playful and task oriented. Part of the overall appeal of the new coloring craze is that once we focus on coloring, our worries slip away. We reconnect to ourselves because coloring stimulates the senses, promotes calmness and refreshes our perspectives. When we color, we use both sides of our brain. Two people coloring the same picture will create a completely different end result because the use of color itself is very individualistic and powerful.
So are you ready to add some color to your life?
If you are looking to maximize your time, your life and your energy…then join me for my Recoloring Life Workshops! One-of-a-kind programing combining inspirational coaching, interactive group activities,vision boards PLUS coloring…all rolled into a 2-hour format! Walk away relaxed and recharged, motivated and focused with an immediate reconnection to yourself.
To register, visit Recoloring Life Workshops on my website at
Some recent testimonials from Recoloring Life Workshops…
“This workshop really made me think. There are areas of my life that I need to improve upon and take the time for myself in order to do so. This was a good mix of quiet time and calm and introspective information.”
“I realized through some of the activities that material things are really not all that important to me. This workshop made me more aware of my values and options.”
“I love that I could look at my life in a creative way. Recoloring Life is about new perspectives.”
“This insightful workshop helped me to open my mind to discovering a true version of myself. Pausing is an important way to integrate balance into my life. I will be registering for the November Recoloring Time Workshop as well.”
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