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Magnificent! I am so happy that you made the decision to make The Personal Success Accelerator System a part of your life and an important reminder of your personal growth! Everything you need to know to activate this System is below, just follow and complete. This System invests 12 hours of your life over the course of the next year. 12 hours! That’s one half of a day out of 365! I know that you are worth it, and I am thrilled that you believe you are as well. Begin! Cheers to your success!
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Welcome letter and instructions
Disclaimer for The Personal Success Accelerator System: Please note that this system and its insights are for educational and resource purposes only and do not come with any guarantees. By visiting this site and participating in this experience you are essentially signing a contract that states that you understand that Randi Levin Coaching does not make any guarantee of results from the materials provided or from the sessions given.
The opinions and views expressed in The Personal Success Accelerator System are those of Randi Levin Coaching. This is not therapy. Clients/participants enter into this program with the understanding the they are responsible for their own results and herby release Randi Levin Coaching from any liability for adverse actions or results experienced by the client/participant as a result of this program.
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